Quit battling over the whys and hows. You’re making it harder than it needs to be. It’s funny how we add drama, angst and stress to the equation, isn’t it? Stop worrying about it, get over yourself and move on. One, two, DONE and you can check it off your list. Make this the day you quit thinking like the old you and become the real you. Take charge of your destiny – and your legacy. Simply and easily CHANGE. Bam. Just like that. Read More
Smile and get your shine on! Attitude is the #1 Beauty secret. What you feel inside is what you project outside. When you believe in and love yourself, you radiate power and beauty. And that’s gorgeous at any age. Read More
What’s so great is that even after a major backslide, you can change it all in the next second. NOT taking action is also a choice. Too many people let those single moments become years as time and opportunities slip away. I believe the saddest thing ever would be to wonder “What if?” at the end of one’s life. So. If you’ve recently make a bad choice somewhere, quit beating yourself up. It’s done. It was only a blip on the radar. Don’t dwell on it. Move on. Hook back into your dream and leap into the next moment! You’ll be back on track stronger than ever, armed with a fresh perspective and new lessons learned. Read More
Are you stuck in a bad situation or habit that doesn’t serve you? Life is not linear, and it’s not always sunshine. For anyone. But going through fire makes us stronger and wiser. The lesson is to use “the lesson” to empower yourself and others to make positive shifts. It’s why I share my story now as a Motivational Speaker. If I can achieve a modicum of success in my life and career, trust me, you can too. Oh yes, I have been paralyzed at times with the thought of making changes. I fought profound battles silently in my head, especially during the time I struggled with bulimia. I kept it secret for 30 years, and it ruled every day of my life. Finally I realized that the fear of staying the same was worse than stepping out of my comfort zone and choosing to CHANGE. That day I called an eating disorder hotline and it saved my life. What a relief to give it over to someone else! And you know what? The moment I did, it began to lose its power over me. In the recovery process I learned that silence and secrets are what keep us sick. […] Read More
This statement is a profound Aha moment, and a turning point, for anyone who’s ever been a victim. My character Peggy Beldon has been victimized for over 20 years, and it’s the only secret she’s ever kept from her husband, Bob. Why would she keep it from him? I think it’s because she wanted to protect him and his sobriety, and because she was so ashamed. Victims often feel they are to blame, so they stuff it down and hide their disgrace. But in tonight’s Season finale, Peggy will finally take her power back, face her bully, and say enough is enough! Watch and cheer with her as she literally fights back and kicks him to the curb! I’m proud that Cedar Cove TV and Hallmark Channel USA are taking on the issue of Bullying this season. The more awareness we bring, the more empowered victims will become as they realize they are not alone. Are you being bullied? If so, I first want to say I am so very sorry. You do not deserve it. You are special and wonderful, but there are people out there who only feel good when they put others down. If it’s happening to […] Read More
My wise acting coach, Milton Katselas, used to say, “The one who gets up from the mat the most times wins.” It was great advice to use not only in our careers, but in life. Actors deal with rejection and dream-dashing all the time. I can’t tell you the number of auditions I’ve failed, or the times when my best work ended up on the cutting room floor. I was replaced and recast once from a major TV show. Talk about heart-breaking and humiliating. Even more publicly, I once took out an ad in Variety to promote an upcoming role in a blockbuster movie – only to find that because of time I’d been cut out of the entire project. Afterwards I had to answer a hundred calls and emails saying, “What happened?” Well, what happened was life. Nobody wins all the time. But looking back, those are the times I actually learned the most about what I was made of. And it taught me how much I truly wanted my Dream. Sometimes hearing Milton in my mind say “Get up” is the only thing that gets me back up. It makes my fight kick in until I ace an […] Read More
If you’re a fellow Dreamer… welcome! I’m glad you found us here and I invite you to participate in this Dreamers Network. Look around and you’ll find amazing posts from people in all walks of life and all corners of the globe. We receive and flow back inspiration to each other, and would love to help support you too. Feel free to jump on in! Why a Dreamers Network? I have been blessed to be living my own crazy Acting dream for over 25 years now. I started this group in 1998 as a way of paying it forward. I call it a “support group” for us Dreamers, because the world can be a very negative place. We must help each other and surround ourselves with people who lift us up, not down. I’m proud to share this journey with you. Believe me, I was a very unlikely winner. I didn’t start acting until I was 30 years old and a single mother living in Portland, Oregon. I was scared to death, but the thought of wondering “what if?” at the end of my life was even scarier. So I took a leap of faith, put my dream into action, […] Read More
The following poem by Marianne Williamson changed my life and I want to share it with you too. Our Deepest Fear By Marianne Williamson “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” So, my friend, if you’ve been holding yourself back waiting for “some day”… some day is now. You are here for a purpose, and the world is waiting. Make this the day you start owning your greatness and start making a difference. You already have everything you need inside of you! Get moving! When you start shining, so will the next person, and the next, and we’ll pay […] Read More
This saying hangs on my wall and reminds me every day that I am not done or “there” yet. I have a feeling you’re not either. There’s still so much more for us to do and learn and see and feel and relish and accomplish! You have greatness in you. You were born with infinite potential. Please don’t settle for just “okay” in your life if you know there’s something more you are here to do. Being comfortable is a sedative, and it’s addicting. Guard against it. Yes, it’s important to savor and celebrate victories and milestones, but don’t lose momentum for too long. Use it as a new starting point to reach even higher. As 2014 closes out, it’s a great time to take stock of where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you still want to go. Hook back into your hopes and dreams and use them to fuel and excite you again. Refocus, recalibrate and get ready to relaunch. Start planning the “how tos” now so you can hit the new year running. Then go make 2015 the year you will look back on as “the year that changed everything”! xo Read More
What a gift it is to begin a shiny, fresh new year full of anticipation and possibilities. It’s another chance to make a fresh start, dust off dreams, clean out cobwebs, and relaunch! For me, new years have always been milestones. I check in to see if I’m on track with my purpose and goals, and refocus on the big picture. The passing of time doesn’t make me regretful, it just makes me aware of how much more I still want to do in my life. As I have evolved, so have my dreams! And no matter how old I get, following my passion still gives me goosebumps. How about you? Are you living full out or holding back? Are you excited to wake up every day and explore new possibilities? Or are you settling? Being comfortable is a sedative, and it’s addicting. It’s a trap we can fall into. Don’t stay there too long or you may never get out. As you begin this new year, why not give yourself the best gift of all. Make the decision to get out of your comfort zone, shake things up, and seek new adventures that make your heart and soul giddy. […] Read More

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