Star Power Affirmation #10: “The secret to finding your true Purpose? Follow your Goosebumps!”

July 05, 2016 Barbara Niven Star Power Affirmations 0 comments

What a gift it is to begin a shiny, fresh new year full of anticipation and possibilities. It’s another chance to make a fresh start, dust off dreams, clean out cobwebs, and relaunch!

For me, new years have always been milestones. I check in to see if I’m on track with my purpose and goals, and refocus on the big picture. The passing of time doesn’t make me regretful, it just makes me aware of how much more I still want to do in my life. As I have evolved, so have my dreams! And no matter how old I get, following my passion still gives me goosebumps.

How about you? Are you living full out or holding back? Are you excited to wake up every day and explore new possibilities? Or are you settling? Being comfortable is a sedative, and it’s addicting. It’s a trap we can fall into. Don’t stay there too long or you may never get out.

As you begin this new year, why not give yourself the best gift of all. Make the decision to get out of your comfort zone, shake things up, and seek new adventures that make your heart and soul giddy.


Got goosebumps yet?

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