Star Power Affirmation #9: “Being good is not enough when you dream of being great.”

July 06, 2016 Barbara Niven Star Power Affirmations 0 comments

This saying hangs on my wall and reminds me every day that I am not done or “there” yet. I have a feeling you’re not either. There’s still so much more for us to do and learn and see and feel and relish and accomplish!

You have greatness in you. You were born with infinite potential. Please don’t settle for just “okay” in your life if you know there’s something more you are here to do.

Being comfortable is a sedative, and it’s addicting. Guard against it. Yes, it’s important to savor and celebrate victories and milestones, but don’t lose momentum for too long. Use it as a new starting point to reach even higher.

As 2014 closes out, it’s a great time to take stock of where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you still want to go. Hook back into your hopes and dreams and use them to fuel and excite you again. Refocus, recalibrate and get ready to relaunch.

Start planning the “how tos” now so you can hit the new year running. Then go make 2015 the year you will look back on as “the year that changed everything”! xo

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