Star Power Affirmation #4: You’ll never deal with the fear of change until the fear of staying the same exceeds it.

July 11, 2016 Barbara Niven Star Power Affirmations 0 comments

Are you stuck in a bad situation or habit that doesn’t serve you? Life is not linear, and it’s not always sunshine. For anyone. But going through fire makes us stronger and wiser.

The lesson is to use “the lesson” to empower yourself and others to make positive shifts. It’s why I share my story now as a Motivational Speaker. If I can achieve a modicum of success in my life and career, trust me, you can too.

Oh yes, I have been paralyzed at times with the thought of making changes. I fought profound battles silently in my head, especially during the time I struggled with bulimia. I kept it secret for 30 years, and it ruled every day of my life. Finally I realized that the fear of staying the same was worse than stepping out of my comfort zone and choosing to CHANGE.

That day I called an eating disorder hotline and it saved my life. What a relief to give it over to someone else! And you know what? The moment I did, it began to lose its power over me. In the recovery process I learned that silence and secrets are what keep us sick. When we risk exposing our fears and imperfections to others, we learn that everyone has something! Our own problems retreat into proper perspective and we can go forward.

What’s your deepest fear? What are you hiding that is keeping you stuck? Why not take the power out of it by releasing it to someone else to help carry the burden. I bet you’ll find that when you do, they’ll be relieved they can lean on you too.

We waste so much time and energy on things that don’t matter in the big picture. Let’s hurry up and heal each other so we can move on to more important issues. We have big things to accomplish. Change is scary, but it’s also exhilarating!

PS – If you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder or other addiction, or if you’re in an abusive situation, please tell someone. Change and recovery are possible. I am living proof. Life is amazing out the other side!!

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