Star Power Affirmation #11: “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”

July 04, 2016 Barbara Niven Star Power Affirmations 0 comments

One of the greatest pleasures in life is going after something you want with your whole heart… and achieving it! Victory, as well as the journey along the way as you reflect back on it, is so very sweet and satisfying!

For instance, people told me I was crazy and irresponsible to try and be an Actress, especially at my age as a 30-year old single mother living in Portland, Oregon. But I had to try… because I couldn’t stand the thought of wondering “what if” someday. I had to know if I could do it!

So one day I finally declared my goal and owned it. I actually said it out loud to make it real for myself. “I am going to be an ACTRESS!” And from that point on I put my crazy dream into action.

That decision – that crossroad in my life – has made all the difference to both me and my daughter. She tells me my greatest gift to her as a child was watching me fight to make my dreams come true. We struggled so much financially until I started to get traction. But we were so rich because I was happy and loved what I was doing, and she shared it all with me. Those are some of our greatest memories together. It taught her to go after her own dreams and we both still celebrate each other’s “Wins” together.

I believe the secret to life is not about making money. It’s about doing what you love and figuring out how to get paid for it. My daughter is now living her own dream in a very prestigious job that is perfect for her…. and I couldn’t be more proud!

Time goes very quickly. So think about it. At the end of your life, what is it you would most regret never having tried? Whatever that dream, or passion, or goal is… quit holding yourself back. Isn’t it time to finally commit and really see what you’re capable of? Don’t you want to know if you can do it? If you never start, you are guaranteed to fail.

Let the fear of NOT doing it surpass your fear of actually taking the first step. Then simply lose the drama and take a simple step toward your goal. It’s that easy. 1-2-3, you’ve begun a glorious journey. Believe me, your future self will thank you for it. Are you smiling yet?

Show your kids by example that life is about not “settling” for less than wonderful. Teach them that everything is possible and that they are powerful without measure. You are their most important role model, and this will be your greatest gift and legacy to them.


Now go celebrate your first step… and your first Win! xo

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